Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Family Exodus

October 28:  Two days rest from radiation (Saturday and Sunday) and back today.  Regan and Riley didn't have school today so it was a big family exodus to Huntsman - Jared, Nanette's dad Frank, Regan and Riley and me.  It was good for the girls to see where she goes everyday. It was busy there today and Mondays the doctor visits with her so it took a little longer.  Her blood work was fine and she's doing well with the treatments.  We next went upstairs in the center to talk to a nutritionist who had helpful ideas and suggestions.  She said to be sure to eat proteins and carbohydrates together and don't megadose on anything (vitamins or food).  It was fun to have the twins with us and we made a fun day out of it.  We first watched the player piano play a few tunes and we sat in all the different and unique chairs they have in the lobby.  Then our treat for the day was going to lunch and having crab cakes (Nanette's choice and craving).  We laughed a lot and had a good time.  She was a little tired when we got home but she enjoyed the day with some of her family.  We have noticed how many people bring family members and friends with them for radiation, especially when they first start the treatments.  A young man and his wife and baby girl came in while we were there.  He has colon rectal cancer and came for his radiation treatments.  This isn't an easy experience and having your family and friends' support makes it easier.  Thanks to all of you who have called, visited, helped in every way possible.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Wig shopping

October 24:  Again to radiation in the morning.  The weather has really been cooperating with our daily adventure!  The fall colors are vibrant and help us to be grateful for the world we live in.  After her session today we visited a wig salon and found one that looked like Nanette's hair color and style.  She has been warned that her hair will probably be coming out in chunks soon.  Most people have advised her to just "buzz" her head when this happens so she is planning ahead.  They encouraged her to wear the wig a little bit to get used to it and to have fun styling it so she is comfortable with the style and feel of it.  The women in the salon were very encouraging to her and had helpful advice.  Picking out a wig for when your hair falls out doesn't sound like the "sweet" experience we like to have after radiation but it turned out to be fun.  Nanette's positive attitude and determination are helping all of us.

One week complete

October 23:  Today marked the end of the first week of radiation for Nanette.  She started the first real treatment last Thursday and so one week of the six required is completed.  She has not had any nausea from taking the chemo pills and she's handling that part very well.  The radiation doesn't take long and she has tolerated the first week without any problems.  She is aware that side effects will probably occur the longer she goes with the treatment.  Sergio, Jared, her dad and I were invited to visit the room where the radiation takes place.  We got to see the mesh mask they place on her face and the huge radiation machine that rotates and beams the radiation on to the marks on the mask.  No one is allowed in the room while the radiation is taking place.  The two technicians observe the entire process from a separate room and watch her on monitors.  The staff at the Huntsman satellite office are extremely informative and helpful.  For the present time, Nanette  is feeling fairly well.  She gets up in the morning, showers, dresses and functions well all day long, only really tiring later in the day and evening.  She's been fixing dinner at night, although it hasn't been labor intensive meals and she loves taking care of her family.  She loves to take all your calls and enjoys visiting with everyone who visits or calls.  A big thanks to all those women who have provided transportation for her girls to school, church activities, and play dates.  So many of you have helped in so many, many ways.  Please know you all have our deepest appreciation

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Please Allow 18 hours for Miracles

Thursday, October 17:  Nanette went to her first radiation treatment.  She had to start the chemotherapy pills the night before.  She took anti-nausea  medication before she took the chemo pill and had no side effects for the first time.  Sergio took her to her first radiation treatment at the Huntsman satellite office at Day Break.  She had weathered the dry run the day before so she wasn't too nervous for the real thing.  The treatment went well and she is doing fine.  One down and only 29 more to go but she's just marking off days accomplished and not looking ahead to days remaining.  Read this quote the other day: "Possible can be done immediately; we're already working on the impossible; but please allow 18 hours for miracles."

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Testimonies and Treatment

Wednesday, October 16:  Nanette has been doing very well the last few days.  She was able to  attend all three hours of church on Sunday and enjoyed being there with her friends and hearing the testimonies given.  She also bore her testimony and expressed her gratitude for all the love and support she has received from the Ward members and neighbors and friends.  She expressed her faith and hope for the future.  She remains positive and upbeat.  Her father arrived from California on Monday and will be here for many weeks to help and support her.  She still gets many visits from friends and family and she enjoys that very much .  Today (Wednesday, October 16) her dad and I took her to the Huntsman Center at Day Break for a "dry run" of her radiation treatment.  The doctors and technicians want to be sure everything is correctly in place before starting the real radiation treatment tomorrow.    She had a mesh mask made last week at the Huntsman Center.  They put the mask over her face and it is secured to the table so there is minimal movement of her head.  The mask has the eyes, nose and mouth cut out of it so it is not too restrictive.  The actual process takes about 30 minutes, 15 of those minutes involve the actual radiation. She is taking the chemo pills simultaneously with the radiation.   It went well today and she thinks she can do this - even for  30 more days.  Sergio will take her to the first two treatments Thursday and Friday and then she has two days of rest from the radiation, although she continues every day with the chemo pills.  She has been fully informed of side effects that may occur and she is determined to start fighting the tumor in every way possible. As planned, we followed the "necessary" business with something pleasant and went to breakfast at Village Inn and it was "free pie" day.    We hit it right today! 

Friday, October 11, 2013

Adiós familia Abarca

Friday, October 11:  Family is everything to Nanette and Sergio and today they said goodbye to Sergio's parents and two sisters Rose and Maria who returned to San Diego.  They were a tremendous help and support to their family and the Mexican meals were delicious too!  Nanette went to Dr. Morrill this morning to get prescription sunglasses.  She's not able to wear her contact lenses and her eyes will be sensitive to light once the chemo and radiation begin next week.  She also had a nice visit today from four of the five Kolowich sisters, formerly from Ramona, now living in Utah.  She is grateful for the beautiful day it is and for feeling relatively good.    

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Next Step

 The next step for Nanette is a "dry-run" at Huntsman in South Jordan on Wednesday, October 16.  They will run through the procedure to make sure everything is the same as it was today.  Then she will take her first chemo pill that night and they will start radiation the next day, Thursday, October 17.  She has about six days now to enjoy being home with her family and friends before the treatments.  Her spirits are good and she is doing well today.

Hooky, mask, witches, and Kaylen...

Wednesday, October 9:  Today started early at 6:30.  Nanette, Rosie and Maria (Sergio's two sisters), Regan and Riley (they got to play hooky today from school) and I went to the Huntsman Center once again.  This time Nanette was fit with the mask and mapping they will need for radiation.  It took about 45 minutes.  The mask is mesh and wet when they put it on and then it dries and tightens so she got slightly claustrophobic.  They will probably give her a light sedative the first couple of sessions.  Once again they told her of the discomforts she may experience while going through this process.  She is well informed of the process and the consequences; however, reality will be a different experience but she is ready to make the journey.  She was feeling very well today.  She looks good, has lots of energy (although she tires easily) and is like the "energizer bunny".  We decided that when we do something not so pleasant, we will follow up with something fun and uplifting (as long as she can manage).  So, today we made a visit to the Salt Lake cemetery to visit Kaylen's grave and share funny and poignant memories we all have.  Then we made our annual visit to Gardner Village to enjoy the Halloween atmosphere and witches.  It was a beautiful day and Rosie and Maria loved their first visit there.  Nanette walked some and used the traveling wheelchair as we visited every witch.  This is an Abarca tradition.  Then she wanted to go to Zupas for lunch which she enjoyed.  Her appetite remains good and she eats small amounts but often.  We made a short stop at Kohls for a bit of shopping and by then, all of us were tired, including Nanette.

Fighting Chance

Tuesday, October 8:  Nanette, Sergio and I went to Huntsman today for another consultation with Dr. Coleman.  Both the PA and Dr. Coleman could see a vast improvement in her health since the first visit.  She was engaged in all the discussions and instructions.    She's not in any pain except for an occasional mild pulsing in her head.  Her appetite is good and she has been going all day long with only a short rest now and then. .She had another pleasant day today.  She has enjoyed all the notes, cards, calls and visits from so many people.  Everyone has been so thoughtful bringing homemade bread, cookies, flowers, gifts and meals.  She is very grateful to have so many friends and family.  Her outlook is positive and she feels that she has a "fighting chance" with good doctors and care and prayers and thoughts of so many people. .

Daybreak Huntsman and S'Mores

Monday, October 7:  Nanette, Jared, Rosie (Sergio's sister) and I went to her appointment at the Huntsman Radiation Center at Day Break in South Jordan.  She met with the nurses, the resident and Dr. Anker who will be her doctor for the duration of the treatment.  She was informed that she could have the radiation there.instead of Huntsman.  She will probably choose to do the treatments there because it would be an easier commute, maybe not in miles but convenience and location. It is the same radiation machine and techniques they use at Huntsman with the same doctors.   She wanted to go to lunch after the appointment.  She was feeling well and enjoyed being out in the sunshine and fresh air. She was able to enjoy a short Family Home Evening and s'mores with friends in the evening..  It was a good day for her.

General Conference

Sunday, October 6:  Nanette and Sergio went to the Sunday morning session of General Conference.  She was feeling good and she was excited to be going.  She was able to use the traveling chair to navigate into the Conference Center and they had seats on about the fourth row.  She thought the talks given that morning were especially for her comfort and benefit and they both felt the Spirit testify of the truths spoken.  A little bonus of the morning was meeting Mitt and Ann Romney, Elder Russell M. Nelson and Sister Nelson, shaking hands with Elder L. Tom Perry, and Elder S. Gifford Nielsen.  The rest of the day was spent visiting with friends and family.

Tyler and a Day of Spanish

Saturday, October 5:  She watched quite a bit of Saturday's sesson of General Conference.  Her son Tyler came home from BYU to spend time with her and Sergio's family.  It was his first visit with his Abarca grandparents and aunts since he came home from his mission.  She had many visitors that day.  Her cousins on the Cluff side of the family came to  spend the afternoon with her and the family.  She enjoys all the visits.  It was a fun day and Spanish was the language of the day with so many family members, on both sides of the family,  fluent in Spanish.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Friday, October 4:  She is getting up fairly early in the morning, taking a shower and getting dressed.  Her appetite is good.  She is on steroids (to control the swelling in the brain) and medicine to prevent seizures (sometimes an after-effect from brain surgery).  She has some vision problems with her left eye which makes reading difficult.  She loves to read so this is frustrating for her.  She is still watching Fox news when she can to keep informed of the world's happenings.  She is rather talkative and restless which we think is attributed to the steroids.  She is cheerful and remains upbeat and pleasant.  The outpouring of love and prayers for her remains constant and is such a blessing in her life.

Family, Walmart, and Treatment Plans

Tuesday, October 1:  Some of the Abarca family members arrived from California.  Sergio's parents and two of his sisters, Rosie and Maria, came to spend nine days with them.  Nanette was thrilled to see them.  She is visiting with therm and enjoying their company.  She went with his sisters to WalMart for a short shopping trip.  She's not allowed to drive so we are taking turns taking her where she wants to go.  She tires easily and uses a traveling wheel chair but she is determined to get out and have a change of scenery.  We are in a "holding pattern" while she heals and gets stronger so they can start her radiation and chemo at the Huntsman Cancer Center.  They will do both treatments simultaneously.  She will go five days a week for six weeks for the radiation and then that will end the radiation.  She will continue with the chemo (a pill) for many months after.

Simple Joy of Washing Your Hair

Monday, September 30:  Sergio returned to work.  Jared and I took Nanette to her appointment with the surgeon.  He removed the staples from her head and said the incision was healing nicely.  He had not shaved her hair for the operation and said she could now wash her hair.  That was the highlight of her day - washing her hair.  Her friend Melody had cut her hair to make it more manageable.


Sunday, September 29:  Nanette went to Sacrament meeting.  She really enjoyed seeing the friends in the Ward.  She was tired and ready to go home but she liked being at church.  She kept herself warm with the beautiful quilt that her twins Regan and Riley made for her with the help and kindness of her neighbor and friend Isa Ventura.  Elder Clark of the Seventy visited the Ward and then had a sweet visit with Nanette and Sergio in their home.

September 24-September 28 Outpouring of Love, Trip to Huntsman

Tuesday, September 24 - Saturday, September 28:  She has been resting, as much as Nanette can rest, and has had visits from so many friends and family.  So many Ward and Stake members of the Church, neighbors and friends - old and new - and members of their families, have visited, brought flowers, provided meals, help with transportation for the girls, and offered prayers and well wishes for her.  She has enjoyed having people visit and can tolerate short visits very well.

Wednesday, September 26:  Nanette's first visit to Huntsman Cancer Center.  A new road that hundreds of other people have already traveled.  What a wonderful facility.  It is difficult to feel sorry for yourself when you see so many other people with every variation of cancer.  It was an intense three hours.  Nanette was still recovering from surgery and a little restless to sit through three hours of information and instruction.  She met with the nurses, PA, Doctor Coleman, the social worker, and others.  The plan is to start radiation and chemo simultaneously 4-6 weeks from date of surgery.  Radiation will be six weeks, five days a week.  Radiation will cease at that time and she will continue with rounds of chemo for many weeks after that.  She has ups and downs every day and she is making it through each day.  She is one tough cookie and staying positive.  We relate to Nanette every comment, wish, prayer and concern from every friend and family member.

Monday, September 23 Wild Horses

Monday, September 23:  Nanette was released from the hospital a few days early but the doctor felt that Sergio would be with her and could monitor her progress.  She was anxious to come home and "wild horses" probably couldn't have stopped her.

September 19-23 Blessings

Thursday September 19 to Monday September 23:  Nanette and Sergio had a wonderful visit from Elder Summerrhays of the Seventy and both received a Priesthood blessing from him.  Their friend Jared Bunn also came to the hospital immediately and Sergio and Jared also gave her a Priesthood blessing.  Elder Lance Wickman, Seventy emeritus, called Sergio and Nanette to convey his prayers and concern for them.  Elder Wickman had been their Stake President in California for years.  She had many friends and family visit her and enjoyed having the company.  She was very cognizant of her surroundings and the friends and family who came to see her.  Their sons Jared and Tyler, daughters Regan and Riley, her brother Robert, and her mother were with her at the hospital.  The outpouring of love and concern for her was significant and appreciated.  Their son Nick had just arrived in the Ecuador Mission to serve two years for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  They were able to talk to him and encourage him to stay on his mission and do the Lord's work.  He assured them he would and pray daily for his mother's recovery and have faith in the future.  Nanette's brother Tony came from California and stayed for five days to help and to spend time with Nanette.  Sergio's brother Jose and wife Debbie also came from California and stayed for more than a week to help in every way possible.

September 19 2013 Discovery

Thursday, September 19:  Nanette was experiencing headaches and dizziness and admitted to St. Marks Hospital in Salt Lake.  She had an MRI and Cat scan and was diagnosed with a fast-growing brain tumor.  Surgery was scheduled for the next morning and lasted four hours.  The tumor was on the right side of her brain and was about the size of a tennis ball.  The surgeon removed as much of the tumor as possible; however, all of it could not be removed without significant damage to the brain.  The doctor said the operation went as well as expected; however, he was fairly certain his initial diagnosis was correct and pathology did confirm that is is glioblasphoma.  The prognosis is not good.  He explained facts and statistics and gave us a fairly dim view of the future.  Sergio fully informed Nanette of the operation and outcome and possible future.  From the very moment she heard the facts, she has chosen to believe and have faith in a different future and will trust her life to the Lord.