Sunday, September 28, 2014

September 27, 2014:  This will be the last entry I make on this blog for Nanette.  When we first started this blog, we were trying to decide what to name it.  Her brother Robert and cousin Belle and I were talking with Melissa Smith who had volunteered to manage the blog and we needed to give it a name.  We finally decided to name it “Nanette’s Miracle.”  At the time we all believed there would be a miracle and Nanette would be able to win the battle ahead and live to be 100 years old.  In the absence of that specific miracle, there were hundreds of other ones that she experienced in the last year.  One day I will write them down for her family and friends to read.  In lieu of that list today, I will write this one last blog entry.

After the doctors realized that the second round of a different chemo was not working, they decided to try a third which they knew to be less effective.  Nanette thought it was the “Hail Mary” of the treatments.  When she lost strength in her left side, could no longer stand on her own, and had increased headaches, Nanette made the decision to discontinue the ineffective chemo pills and Avastin infusions and start on Hospice.  On Wednesday, September 17 she had her first Hospice visit.   She continued to welcome visits and phone calls and loved all the friends and family who came.  She was still talking on Tuesday, September 23 but said very little the following day which was Wednesday.  She was not in any severe pain and Sergio made every effort to keep her comfortable.  He played her favorite music throughout the day and that seemed to keep her calm.  Thursday morningshe was quiet and sleeping.  At 12:25 pm she passed away.  Sergio was holding her in his arms and Jared was at her side holding her hand.  Sergio’s parents, his brother Jose and sister Rosie and I were all in the room.   A friend Amy Bohman who worked at the girls’ school immediately brought them home and Tyler was already on his way from BYU and Nanette’s dad arrived shortly thereafter. 

The day before she died which was September 24, we were all talking about that date because we thought it was the 10thanniversary of Kaylen, her oldest daughter’s death.  However, shortly before Nanette died the next day, Sergio and I were looking at a picture of Nanette a year ago at Kaylen’s gravesite and looked at the inscription on the headstone and the date was September 25, 2004.  We had been mistaken about the date so it was on the 10th anniversary of Kaylen’s passing that Nanette passed away.  We know that if Nanette had still been speaking, she would have corrected us right away because she never forgot a name or date.  We don’t think it was a coincidence.

One of the highlights of Nanette’s last few weeks was her son Nick who is serving a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Ecuador came home for a four-day visit.  Her brother Tony and his family came from California to visit at the same time.  Peter Ventura, a neighbor and good friend, took pictures of our family and Nanette was able to have her entire family surround her for several days.

Nanette never lost hope or determination, and never gave in to despair.   She was cheerful and uncomplaining the entire time.   Sergio and her children were her whole world and yet she made room to include friends and extended family into her heart and life.  She was a loyal friend, a good neighbor, and a champion for the underdog or lonely.  Her one wish was to not lose the ability to communicate with all of us and she did so until the last day of her life.

All of you who have followed this blog and written, visited, and loved her made her life better.  Not one thing anyone ever did for her went unnoticed or unappreciated.  She made what amends she needed to, she expressed her thanks and love to everyone she could, and she was at peace with her life.  She did not want to leave but she was not afraid.  Christ said, “Let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid.”  Her testimony of Jesus Christ and His plan for her and for us sustained her through every day.  Her courage and strength sustained us in this journey.  She knew where she was going and knew she would be with her family again in eternity.

Elder Russel M. Nelson, an Apostle in our Church, said the following: “Separation evokes pains of sorrow and shock among those left behind.  The hurt is real.   The only way to take sorrow out of death is to take love out of life.  In the Doctrine and Covenants 42:45 it says, “Thou shalt live together in love insomuch that thou shalt weep for the loss of them that die.”  And we weep for the loss of Nanette.

Elder Nelson gave this advice to those of us left behind.  “Take time to bless others, to be kinder, more compassionate, quicker to thank and slower to scold, more generous in sharing and more gracious in caring.”  Nanette would have given the same advice.

This will be the last blog entry but never our last thought of Nanette.  She will live in our hearts and lives forever and ever.  I hope we can cherish each moment in our lives as a blessing from God.  I know Nanette did.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 9, 2014:  Nanette's health has changed very quickly in the last two weeks.  She was losing strength in the left side of her body and finding it difficult to stand and walk.  On Monday, September 1 she was weak and she had a bad headache.  Sergio took her to the University of Utah hospital and they immediately did an MRI.  They reported the results to her oncologist at Huntsman and they determined that the new chemo treatment was not working.  The tumor has continued to grow and had, in fact, herniated, causing more swelling in the brain.  Again, surgery and radiation are not options at this point.  She was transferred to Huntsman Cancer Center and then was released to come home the next day.  The plan now is to once again change the chemo pill to a third choice in hopes of stalling the growth and swelling.  She will continue with the Avastin infusions every other week and had one yesterday at Daybreak Huntsman facility.  Two weeks ago she was walking in to the center for her infusion and yesterday she could not walk or stand.  She is confined to a wheelchair and very limited use of a walker.  However, she is alert and visiting with friends and family and receiving telephone calls, which she loves.

We have received help in hundreds of ways and her days are filled with visits from many friends and family.  Sergio's brother Jose and his wife Debbie came immediately and are a tremendous help.  I have moved back to Nanette and Sergio's home and will stay indefinitely.  Nanette's father has come from California and her brother Tony and wife and kids arrived yesterday, and her brother Robert is close by.  Jared and Shayla have been a constant presence and help, Tyler and his girlfriend Veronica come from Provo as often as possible and the twins never leave Nanette's presence  except to go to school (with great reluctance).  Sergio's family are in contact with us every day and ready to come from California at a moment's notice.  Nanette and Sergio's Ward and Stake have "stepped back up to the plate" again and everyone is doing everything they can to help and comfort and love them.  We have had meals brought in, flowers, cards, telephone calls and many visits.  They have all contributed to keeping Nanette's spirits up.  She is still concerned about other people and events in their lives, trying to stay connected and involved.  She has remained cheerful and grateful for every day.  Her faith is evident in all her conversations and actions and "despair" is not a part of her life.  Her love for her family and friends is at the core of her being.  All of your love and attention, prayers, and concern for her has never gone unappreciated or unrecognized.  

Elder David S. Baxter said "The smallest acts of kindness can make a world of difference in our lives.  They can dispel darkness with a bright flame.  I am convinced that in each of our lives are friends, neighbors and Church leaders who genuinely care for us and want to brighten our lives; we just have to let them."  

Thank you all for brightening Nanette's life. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

A rain storm of sorts

August 8, 2014: Sometimes you are gliding along and find yourself in the rain.  Nanette was gliding along fairly well but she’s encountered a rain storm of sorts.  She went for her regularly scheduled MRI last week and the doctors informed her that her brain tumor has started to grow again.  At the time of diagnosis, the tumor was 6 cm and was located in the right temporal lobe.  Over the next several months, with surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, the tumor was reduced to about 3 cm and was stable, not showing signs of extension.  The most recent MRI shows that from May-July, the posterior margin of the tumor has extended into the hippocampus an additional 3 cm, forming a “peanut-shaped tumor.” The area of new tumor growth is not amenable to surgery due to the critical functions of that area of the brain.  Radiation also is not a real option, because more time is required before retreating the brain with radiation. As the tumor has shown new growth, a change in treatment is required. Nanette will continue her Avastin infusions every two weeks.   However, the Temodar (oral pills) will be discontinued.  She will start treatment with CCNU as a single oral dose every six weeks.  It is expected that she will have more side-effects to the CCNU than she did with Temodar.
We have all been discouraged a little bit that there is new growth but know that we need determination to never allow our energy or enthusiasm to be dampened by that discouragement.  Nanette had a short moment of discouragement herself with the rest of us but she quickly returned to her positive attitude and hopeful outlook.  She has had visits from her brother Tony and wife Cristie and family from California and a surprise visit from Sergio’s parents and two sisters Rosie and Gloria from California.  She was able to enjoy their company and love and support. 

I read this quote the other day and include it here along with this news about Nanette.  “Cancer is so limited. It cannot cripple love, it cannot shatter hope, it cannot corrode faith, it cannot eat away peace, it cannot destroy confidence, it cannot kill friendship, it cannot shut out memories, it cannot quench the spirit and it cannot silence courage or reduce eternal life.” Nanette’s courage has not been silenced and she is so grateful for your friendships, love and concern.

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 19, 2014:  Nanette continues with her chemo pill regimen and having very little side effects.  She is having pain in her shoulders and arms and numbness in her fingers.  An MRI indicated that she has torn rotator cuffs in both her right and left shoulders.  Unfortunately, the tears will not heal while she is on the Avastin treatments (she gets infusions every two weeks).  She has been having physical therapy which helps somewhat.  Some days she is in quite a bit of pain and other days, the pain is tolerable but unwelcome.  She had an Avastin infusion on Monday (June 16) and now they will discontinue treatments until after her next MRI which is in about six weeks.  They are hoping that stopping the Avastin infusions will enable healing to the rotator cuffs.  Surgery at this time is not an option, at least until after the next brain MRI and the oncologist can determine if stopping the infusions has an adverse effect on the tumor.  It is a roller coaster ride as they try to solve several problems at the same time.  She remains optimistic and hopeful.  Nanette, Regan and Riley and I went for a short week to visit her brother Tony and family in California.  The weather was beautiful and she enjoyed the time spent with her brother, his wife Cristie and their four children.  Tony took us out to dinner one night to a wonderful restaurant and the waitress asked if we were celebrating anything and Nanette said, “Yes, I am here.”  We explained that she is fighting cancer (as so many others are) and we were all just grateful that we could be together for a lovely evening.  When they brought her dessert, they had decorated the plate, brought two desserts for her, and didn’t charge us.  People are very thoughtful and kind in this world of ours.  Even small things make us grateful for each other

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Each expression of friendship or love may be the one that makes all the difference.”

May 27, 2014:  It has been awhile since we posted an update on Nanette’s health concerns.  Every two weeks she has had an Avastin infusion at Huntsman Center in Day Break and she has continued with the chemo pill regimen of 5 days of pills and 23 days rest.  She has almost completed five cycles of this and after her next MRI, they will revisit this procedure to see if they want to continue for another 6 cycles (which would be another six months).  She has tolerated the chemo regimen with few side effects so they will take that in to consideration at her next visit with the oncologist.  She had her two-month MRI and her appointment with Dr. Colman, the oncologist, this morning.  It was good news once again.  The tumor shows no signs of growth and may have shrunk a very small bit more.  This was wonderful news for Nanette and Sergio and, of course, for all of us who have been praying and hoping for good results.  She is having a problem with pain in her right shoulder, down her arm and numbness in two of her fingers on her right hand.  Dr. Colman does not believe this is cancer related but is concerned for her pain and discomfort.  She will have an MRI to determine what the cause is and how to solve the problem.  The Avastin infusions may be hindering any healing that needs to happen but this problem will hopefully be resolved in the near future.  Many of you have called and inquired about her health and progress.  Your continued concern and interest is appreciated.  The updates to this blog have not been as frequent since she has been routinely fighting the tumor and there was nothing new to report until this last MRI.  And fortunately, it was good news once again.  This is a long battle and we will update when appropriate.   In a book I recently read was this quote by a woman battling cancer and it mirrors Nanette’s feelings well.  “We all owe everyone for everything that happens in our lives.  But it’s not owing like a debt to one person—it’s really that we owe everyone for everything.  Our whole lives can change in an instant—so each person who keeps that from happening, no matter how small a role they play, is also responsible for all of it. Just by giving friendship and love, you keep the people around you from giving up—and each expression of friendship or love may be the one that makes all the difference.”  Please know that your prayers, calls, visits, acts of kindness and love have made a difference in her life. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

April 7, 2014:  Last week Nanette had her MRI (will be done about every two months now).  She had another really good report.  The tumor has possibly shrunk about 5-10 percent more and does not appear to be growing or active.  This was very good news for her and for all of us.  We all "hold our breath" a bit when it is time to look again at the tumor.  We pray and hope for good news but when you actually hear it, we all relax and breathe a little easier.  Her platelets were again low and they decided to drop her chemo pill dosage a bit to see if they would come back up, which seems to be the normal cycle for her.  Today she had another Avastin infusion and her platelets were up again in an acceptable range.  Her infusion went well.  Dr. Colman is planning on continuing with the Avastin infusions for several more months.  She is tolerating the treatment well and so they plan to continue for awhile longer.  She will continue with the chemo pill regimen.  The doctors did tell Nanette that she is "quite unique".  We don't know if they are referring to her progress, her tolerance of treatment, or the whole experience.  We agree that she is quite unique but we think it is her positive attitude and demeanor and, most of all, her faith and gratitude to the Lord for her life.  Yesterday, we all watched the LDS General Conference semi-annual broadcast.  President Uchtdorf talked about beng grateful.  He said there is one thing we can do to make life sweeter, even joyful, and that is to be grateful.  He said it is easy to be grateful for things when life is going our way but we need to be thankful in our circumstances whatever they may be.  When we are grateful to God in our circumstances it is an act of faith in God and we can experience a gentle peace.  We know Nanette has great faith and gratitude.  We are thankful for your continued faith and prayers as we continue down the road with her.  Please know how much she loves all of you who are with her in your thoughts, prayers, and concerns.   

Saturday, April 5, 2014

March 20, 2014:  Another Avastin infusion for Nanette and all went well.  Her lab report showed her platelets were up and in an acceptable range so they proceeded with the infusion.  The procedure went quickly and we were in and out of Huntsman in two hours.  She finished her chemo pill regimen and has a break now until the next one.  She is a bit frustrated because she tires easily but she is sleeping a little better at night.  Spring break in Tooele this week and she can enjoy a week with her family and friends. We cannot control the timing of the challenges that come into our lives and subsequently we cannot control the timing of when we will be delivered from these challenges or even if we will be delivered from them during this mortal life.  But the Lord puts others in our way who can run alongside us so we can finish the race and overcome the challenges and endure to the end.  Thanks to all of you who continue to show your love and concern for Nanette and her family and "run alongside her". 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March 11, 2014:  Nanette had another Avastin infusion last Thursday at Huntsman Center in Day Break.  The influsion went well but when the lab work came back, her platelets were low.  They were not in the "danger" zone but in the "concerned" zone.  The doctors at Huntsman in Salt Lake told her to delay starting the chemo pill regimen which was scheduled for the next day.  She was scheduled for more lab work on Monday and the report came back this afternoon that the platelet count had, in fact, gone back up to an acceptable count.    She was told she could start the chemo pills tonight or tomorrow.  No one was overly concerned about the drop but until this week, her lab results have been good.  It was just a small hiccup in the process.  She is still experiencing fatigue, usually in the evenings but she is doing well otherwise.  Her hair is "slowly" growing back but it is a work in progress.  One of our church leaders, Elder Richard J. Maynes said, "As we temporarily endure the challenges we can solve and as we continue to endure the challenges we cannot solve, it is important to remember that the spiritual strength we develop will help us successfully endure all the challenges we face in this life."  Your continued love and concern for Nanette and the Lord's tender mercies are helping her endure this long journey.  She remains hopeful and grateful.

Monday, February 24, 2014


February 20:  Nanette had her Avastin infusion today at Huntsman in Day Break.  All the lab results were good and the infusion went well.  She finished her chemo pill regimen several days ago and now has 23 days off.  She is experiencing some fatigue but other that that, she is feeling well.  We had a wonderful time in California with the Abarca and Newman families.  Everyone was happy to see for themselves how good she looks and feels.  We all loved the 80 degree weather.  Every day was full of sunshine and blue skies.  Sergio's sisters Rosie and Maria and his sister-in-law Debbie took Nanette, Regan and Riley to the beach, to a swap meet, and the family gathered several times for good food and great conversation.  We all went to lots of Newman basketball games and the  girls and their cousins swam in the Newman's pool even though it was only 60 degrees.  They just couldn't resist.  Many friends and family came to visit with Nanette and her family.  Nanette's brother Tony who is a Bishop of the Ward Nanette grew up in asked her to speak for a few minutes in Sacrament meeting on Sunday.  She said how grateful she was to grow up in Ramona and how many people there had influenced her life for good.  She thanked everyone for their prayers and concern for her.  She realizes that prayers on her behalf have not only come from Tooele but from Ramona and friends in many different churches, communities, cities and states.  She knows how many people have expressed their love and concern for her and she's very grateful for all of you.  It's nice to go back to your hometown sometimes and be with such wonderful family members and friends who contributed to your "growing up" years.  She weathered the driving and trip very well.  But, as many of you know, after four or five days, Nanette is ready to "come home".  And even though she came back to more chemo and more treatments, she is home where she wants to be.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Regan and Riley turned 12

February 9:  Another good week for Nanette.  She had an Avastin infusion on Tuesday (Feb 3) and there were no side effects or complications. Her lab results were good and the infusion went well.  All the people at Huntsman in Day Break were happy to hear the good results of the MRI the week before.  The people at Huntsman become like family so they share in all the good news (and bad) right along with you. She started another round of chemo pills (5 days of double doses and 23 days in between).  She is still spending hours on the phone with the pharmacy trying to ensure her prescription arrives by the day she is to begin.  Maybe the third time will be the charm and they will come without a hitch. She is trying to reduce the steroid dosage but doing it slowly to keep free of headaches.  She has enjoyed a nice week with her family and friends.  Regan and Riley turned 12 years old this week and are out of Primary (at church) now and in to Young Women activities and classes.  The joy of having teenagers in the house again is coming quickly.  She is feeling well enough to take a short trip to California this coming week to spend time with the Newman and Abarca parts of the family living there.  A little sunshine will be a nice change and everyone is excited to see her and her family.  She has appreciated your calls and notes about the good results of her MRI.  You continue to show your concern and love for her and that means so much to her.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Blessed with good news

January 31:  It was a day to remember!  Nanette was first diagnosed with a brain tumor with an MRI and then after she finished with the six weeks of radiation, they did another MRI and said they would use it as a baseline to monitor the status of the tumor.  Today she had another MRI which they used for comparison with the previous one after radiation.  Tyler, Sergio, Frank (her dad) and I were all in the room when the physician's assistant came in before the oncologist.  He said to all of us "It has been a very long time since we've seen such a positive change in someone's scans."  We were all speechless.  Dr. Colman, the oncologist, came in with the nurse Kilee and showed us the scans and explained what had happened.  He went though it in detail for us, showing us all the pictures from different angles.  When he got to one scan in particular, we could all see that the tumor had noticably shrunk, the swelling was gone and different parts of the brain were aligned correctly again.  Dr. Colman said it was the best results we could have hoped for with this kind of brain tumor. 
Dr. Colman believes it is the chemo that is keeping the tumor from growing.  The Avastin infusions reduced the swelling.  The doctor's goal now is to continue the Avastin infusions for several more months, keep her on the chemo pills for six months to a year, wean her off the steroids and do MRI's every two months.  Doing the MRI's every two months will be the method of monitoring the tumor's activity.  The tumor is not gone but is considerably smaller and the goal now is to keep it "at bay" with the chemo regimen. 
We all walked out of Huntsman Cancer Center today with feelings and emotions far different than the first day we walked in there.  Not everyone is blessed to walk out those doors with such feelings of gratitude and relief.  We all believe this positive progress in her health is due to the prayers, fasting, Priesthood blessings, and sincere wishes and love of so many of you who read this blog and are her friends and family.
This battle is not over for Nanette.  She is not uninformed or naive as to the long miles ahead of her.  But, we are grateful today for this "good news" and thankful for each day these results have given us. 
Elder David A. Bednar said "God expects and trusts us to face temporary mortal adversity with His help so we can learn what we need to learn and ultimately become what we are to become in eternity.  Trusting in the Lord's will and timing is essential."
Nanette has been trusting through this whole experience so far and will, undoubtedly, continue down the miles ahead with faith and hope.  We will continue to post her progress through this blog.  And she is grateful to all of you who have traveled this road with her so far and for your prayers, thoughts, and kind actions.. She loves and appreciate each one of you.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

MOM'S BACK and making us practice!!!!

Jan 21:  Nanette received her third Avastin infusion today.  Her lab results were all good and they started the infusion which lasted only 30 minutes.  It is the same amount but a faster "drip".  They have determined that there are no negative side effects so they can do the infusion without delay.  We were in and out in two hours time (taking blood and waiting for results and doing a flush afterwards takes about 1 1/2 hours, the infusion 30 minutes.)  She has been doing very well.  Her headaches are very minimal, her energy level remains high and she has not had to take any pain medication at all.  She continues to gradually reduce the steroid dosage.  She did her first chemo pill regimen (5 days on, 23 days off) and had no side effects.  She will continue this treatment for an undetermined amount of time (possibly 6 months to a year).  She is scheduled for an MRI and appointment with Dr. Colman, the oncologist the end of January.  We may know then the status of the tumor.  We are, of course, hoping for the best results possible.  Any positive results, regardless of the scope, will be a win.  Nanette remains optimistic and in good spirits.  She has resumed a fairly normal daily routine.  She is taking Regan and Riley to piano lessons, insisting on daily practice much to their delight (?), taking the dog to be groomed, cooking meals, doing laundry, organizing closets and cupboards, and driving herself wherever she needs to go.  She is loving the more normal pace of her life and feeling fairly good every day.  She still suffers from insomnia and she has a little fatigue from time to time.  But, she is doing well and her family is delighted to have her "back".  She continues to be grateful for the phone calls, visits, prayers and concern of her friends and family.  Thank you for your caring and loving concern for all of them.  Every kindness and effort from you is appreciated more than words can adequately express.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Tender Mercies

Jan 6-11:  Nanette had her second Avastin infusion on Monday (6th) at Huntsman in Day Break.  This one took less time than the first one because they have increased the drip speed.  Her lab report was good again and so they proceeded with the infusion without delay.  She had a sweet nurse Melinda originally from South Carolina and she took good care of Nanette.  The oncologist at Huntsman wanted Nanette back on chemo immediately (5 days of double dose pills and 23 days off) but Nanette had a terrible time getting the pills sent to her.  She was on the phone for literally hours with the pharmacy (not a local one) and the insurance agency.  Every time she talked to someone, it was a different reason or excuse why they couldn't send her the pills.  It was a frustrating experience involving hours of phone time.  However, Nanette was kind and patient with everyone she spoke to and never once got angry.  The rest of us were pretty angry but not her.  She finally had to call Huntsman and ask them to be an advocate for her.  She was worn out trying to deal with everyone involved.  Doctor Colman's nurse Kiley came to her aid and got it straightened out and the pills were finally deliveredFriday morning, a week later than the doctor wanted.  Other than the trauma getting the pills, she had a very good week.  Her headaches are very, very minimal, if at all, and she has discontinued all pain medication.  She has even been able to reduce the dosage of steroids in small increments.  She is still suffering from insomnia but manages to get about 4 hours uninterrupted sleep and then she can sometimes go back to sleep for an hour or two after she has been up for awhile.  She is steady on her feet, has quite a bit of energy, and feels good.  The tremors in her hand have subsided.  Even though she is taking a higher dosage of chemo pills, she is tolerating it and hasn't had any side effects after the first dose.  And today (Friday) she drove her car for the first time in months.  Sergio did a test drive with her and said she was fine to drive locally.  So, she was off to the car wash and grocery store and beyond!  She is feeling like herself again in many ways..  We are all grateful for the good week she has had.  Elder David A. Bednar said "We should not underestimate or overlook the power of the Lord's tender mercies.  The simpleness, the sweetness, and the constancy of the tender mercies of the Lord will do much to fortify and protect us in the troubled times in which we do now and will yet live."  She is grateful for every day of progress and the Lord's tender mercies and your continued love, concerns and prayers.. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Spoonful of sugar

January 2:  Back to St. Marks hospital but this time just for a checkup with her surgeon Dr. Pingree.  He checked her incision and said it looks good and healing well.  He told her that his part of her treatment is completed and now she will be totally in the hands of the oncologist, although he reassured her that he is always available to her for help.  Today was a far better day than the first day Sergio took her to the hospital and our family's world temporarily halted.  But, today was a beautiful day and she is pressing forward with treatments and a good attitude.  We had a fun lunch with Regan and Riley and continue to mix the pleasant experiences with the necessary and not so pleasant ones - you know, as Mary Poppins said "a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down".  She appreciates all your nice Christmas cards and gifts and especially your prayers and concern.   

Happy New Year

December 30-January 1:  Nanette has had three good days.  Her headaches are manageable and she has been cleaning, organizing, and purging so her energy level has greatly improved.  She isn't using the walker anymore because her equilibrium has stablized and she's fairly steady on her feet.  She enjoyed being with her family on New Year's Eve and Day.   Her family has taken President Uchtdorf's advice from a General Conference talk and resolved to (1) spend more time with those we love, (2) strive more earnestly to become the person God wants us to be, and (3) to find happiness, regardless of our circumstances.  She is looking forward to the new year with faith and hope.

Each day a good day

December 29:  Yesterday was another tough day for Nanette with headaches, dizziness and insomnia.  However, today she felt better and was able to go to church and stay for all three meetings.  Her headache was manageable and she was more steady on her feet.  She helped fix dinner and enjoyed a fun visit from cousins from Virginia and Heber.  She was alert and able to get through the day with minimal discomfort.  She didn't take a nap all day, which is unusual, and had a fair amount of energy.  We are all encouraged by the turnaround and hope it continues.  She is trying to make each day a good day and today was a good one.  "What day it is?" asked Winnie the Pooh.  "It's today" squeaked Piglet.  "My favorite day" said Pooh.  Good point.