Wednesday, January 22, 2014

MOM'S BACK and making us practice!!!!

Jan 21:  Nanette received her third Avastin infusion today.  Her lab results were all good and they started the infusion which lasted only 30 minutes.  It is the same amount but a faster "drip".  They have determined that there are no negative side effects so they can do the infusion without delay.  We were in and out in two hours time (taking blood and waiting for results and doing a flush afterwards takes about 1 1/2 hours, the infusion 30 minutes.)  She has been doing very well.  Her headaches are very minimal, her energy level remains high and she has not had to take any pain medication at all.  She continues to gradually reduce the steroid dosage.  She did her first chemo pill regimen (5 days on, 23 days off) and had no side effects.  She will continue this treatment for an undetermined amount of time (possibly 6 months to a year).  She is scheduled for an MRI and appointment with Dr. Colman, the oncologist the end of January.  We may know then the status of the tumor.  We are, of course, hoping for the best results possible.  Any positive results, regardless of the scope, will be a win.  Nanette remains optimistic and in good spirits.  She has resumed a fairly normal daily routine.  She is taking Regan and Riley to piano lessons, insisting on daily practice much to their delight (?), taking the dog to be groomed, cooking meals, doing laundry, organizing closets and cupboards, and driving herself wherever she needs to go.  She is loving the more normal pace of her life and feeling fairly good every day.  She still suffers from insomnia and she has a little fatigue from time to time.  But, she is doing well and her family is delighted to have her "back".  She continues to be grateful for the phone calls, visits, prayers and concern of her friends and family.  Thank you for your caring and loving concern for all of them.  Every kindness and effort from you is appreciated more than words can adequately express.


  1. This is such great news to read!! We are so, so happy for Nanette...and for her family!! She will remain in our prayers for God's blessings and healing hands.

    The Park Family

  2. So glad to hear the good news! Love to you and your family, Love, The Burkeys

  3. So glad to hear this good news. Happy for all of you and for the friends and loved ones who have supported you all through this - God is good and he is aware. Love to you all. Sam and Frances Dalley
